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03 September 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: I'll Take the Chivas Instead

Hi, everyone! Today's is gonna be very easy cause there is really only one choice as far as I'm concerned. The category is "Your Drunk Karaoke Song". If you know me at all, you know I don't have be drunk to get up and sing. I have a lot of fun doing it and I'm a wuss who can't take the taste of alcohol anyway. If I were gonna do drunk karaoke, though, what song could be better?

This one was a hidden bonus track of the My December album, a very underrated work. The song is all about someone who is so fed up with a guy she has given up on true love and wants "the chivas instead".  What do you think? Would you pick this or is there another one on your list? Comment back and let me know...

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