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CP Bialois' Call of Poseidon available now on! Coming soon to in print! (Check the "Contests" page for a giveaway)

Special post on a new release coming 11-11-11 (will also be celebrating National Metal Day)!!

29 August 2009

Diamond Rio

CMT is reporting some great news for Diamond Rio fans. They've got two new releases in the works. One is a new album called The Reason, which will be released on September 22nd. It's the first studio release for their new label, Word Records. Also coming out that day is a book called "Beautiful Mess". The band wrote it all about the group's journey from unknowns to their switch to Christian music. To mark the new releases, I thought I'd post a video I found of the song their book is named after. It's one of my favorite tracks. Enjoy!

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